

The BIG PICTURE opened tonight, March 4, 2011. I picked up a packet of all the photographs included in the show. This is 75+ photographers from 20+ countries. My photograph is wheat pasted at 35th and Wazee. My favorite photograph in this show was at the illiterate gallery called bird man. I could be bird man. I mean, if I were a guy, and had a speedo and some feathers. It’s possible. I could be right there with them birds. Enjoy these photographs, if you can see them. I tried my best. I’m in the second row on the right hand side. hahaThere’s my photograph on the top right hand side, second one can’t stop looking, right?

Just got back from Las Vegas. One of the luxuries of living in Denver is the fast non-stop flights to the bright light city. We had a wonderful three days playing without the children. This is the first trip to Vegas that I made a real effort to focus and take a bunch of photographs. I didn’t make it out in the evening though. There is just too much to do at night. On the last day I took out my gear and photographed for about 5 hours straight, freely walking the strip and checking in with favorite places and views that I could reach within that time. It was awesome (high 60’s in early March) and I was pleasantly surprised to have met a few inspiring photographers along the way for good conversation and exchange of ideas. Las Vegas is a bolt of energy for me. I am a people person. I love all the people and the chaos…just for a few days, and then it always feels great to be home again. When I look at this photograph…my heart aches a little. I’ll be back! Working Dogs!